This second week the theme is creativity, a concept that in my opinion is strongly intertwined with other concepts such as imagination, the creation of ideas, and of course innovation. Personally, and especially during my youth I would never have considered that creativity could be the result of an analytical, measurable, repeatable and evaluable process.
Tag: personal goals
GDD710 – Week 3
This week begins with one of the most interesting topics, and by taking an idea or concept that may still be in a rather abstract state, and begin experimenting  with different prototyping methods to accomplish through a rapid ideation session!
GDD710 – Week 4
The past week was full of anxiety. During the last Wednesday live session a new task was revealed. This will keep us busy over the next two weeks.It is my intention to get out of my comfort zone and carry out the development using not only an engine that I have abandoned for years,  Unity, but also using an add on that in theory should allow me to do the whole job without having to write a single line of code, which doubles the bet!.
GDD710 – Week 5
Without a systematic approach, creating a video game, an application or even this blog itself,  can become somewhat chaotic. That’s why it is highly important to count on basic tools to channel thoughts and ideas in order to  carry them out keeping in mind that reflective practice is mostly learning while doing.
Continue reading “GDD710 – Week 5”
GDD710 – Week 8
A new entry focused on the different kinds of research and some useful techniques that can be applied to the field in which we are involved. We always have to take into account the criteria and ethical limits throughout the process, especially because the participants’ data gathering is a fundamental component related to these studies. Also all about the very last phase on the Rapid Ideation 2 project! Continue reading “GDD710 – Week 8”